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Basic Shell Scripting - Day 21

Writer's picture: vPvP

Welcome back to #90DaysOfDevOps! Today, we're stepping into the realm of shell scripting using the Bash shell. Shell scripting is a powerful skill for DevOps engineers as it allows you to automate tasks, perform system maintenance, and streamline processes. We'll begin by getting started with Bash scripting and write a simple script to automate a basic task.

Why Shell Scripting Matters

Shell scripting is a valuable skill for DevOps for several reasons:

  • Automation: Scripts automate repetitive tasks, saving time and reducing human error.

  • Consistency: Scripts ensure tasks are performed consistently, which is crucial for system reliability.

  • Customization: You can create custom scripts tailored to your specific needs.

  • Flexibility: Shell scripts can interact with system commands, processes, and files.

Getting Started with Bash Scripting

Script Structure

A Bash script is a plain text file containing a series of commands that the shell will execute. Here's a basic structure:

# This is a comment

# Your commands here
  • #!/bin/bash: The "shebang" line tells the system to use the Bash shell to execute the script.

  • #: Comments start with # and are ignored by the shell.

Creating Your First Script

Let's create a simple script that greets the user:

# This is a basic greeting script

echo "Hello, DevOps Engineer!"
  • Save this script to a file, e.g.,

  • Make it executable:

chmod +x
  • Run the script:


You'll see the message "Hello, DevOps Engineer!" displayed on the screen.

Automating a Basic Task

Let's create a more practical example. Suppose you want to automate the process of backing up a directory. Here's a simple script that copies the contents of a directory to a backup folder with a timestamp:

# This is a basic backup script

# Define source and backup directories

# Create a timestamp
timestamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

# Create a backup directory with the timestamp
mkdir -p "$backup_folder"

# Copy files from source to backup
cp -r "$source_dir"/* "$backup_folder"

echo "Backup completed to $backup_folder"
  • Customize the source_dir and backup_dir variables with your directory paths.

  • Save this script to a file, e.g.,, and make it executable.

  • Run the script:


The script will create a backup of the source directory in a folder with a timestamp.

Practice and Exploration

  • Modify the script to include additional directories in your backup.

  • Create a script that takes user input for the source and backup directories.

  • Explore conditional statements (if), loops (for and while), and functions to enhance your scripting skills.

Shell scripting is a powerful tool in your DevOps arsenal. It empowers you to automate tasks, enhance system efficiency, and maintain consistent processes. As you continue your journey in #90DaysOfDevOps, remember that the possibilities with shell scripting are endless, and each script you write brings you closer to becoming a proficient DevOps engineer.

Shell scripting is a vast topic, and covering it all in one blog post is not possible. This blog serves as a foundation to get you started with shell scripting. In the coming days, I'll delve into more advanced topics, providing you with the tools and knowledge to become a shell scripting maestro. So, stay tuned and keep scripting!

I hope you find this article useful.

Thank you for reading!

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