TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a reliable, connection-oriented protocol that ensures the successful and ordered delivery of data packets between devices over a network. To establish a connection between a client and a server, TCP uses a process called the "three-way handshake." Let's explain how TCP works with the help of a diagram illustrating the three-way handshake:

Step 1: Client sends a SYN packet to the Server. The client initiates the connection by sending a SYN (Synchronize) packet to the server. The SYN packet contains a randomly generated sequence number and a flag indicating that the client wants to establish a connection.
Step 2: Server responds with SYN+ACK packet. Upon receiving the SYN packet, the server acknowledges the request by sending a SYN+ACK (Synchronize-Acknowledge) packet back to the client. The SYN-ACK packet contains a randomly generated sequence number as well as an acknowledgment of the client's sequence number.
Step 3: Client sends an ACK packet. Finally, the client responds to the server's SYN-ACK packet by sending an ACK (Acknowledgment) packet. The ACK packet acknowledges the server's sequence number, and the connection is established.
At this point, both the client and server have exchanged initial sequence numbers and have agreed to establish a connection. They can now begin sending data packets back and forth, ensuring reliable and ordered delivery.
It's important to note that the three-way handshake provides synchronization and establishes a reliable connection between the client and server. The exchange of SYN and ACK packets helps both ends agree on initial sequence numbers and confirms the successful establishment of the connection.
In the event of an unsuccessful connection attempt or an error during the handshake, the process is repeated until a successful connection is established or the connection attempt is aborted.
The three-way handshake in TCP is a crucial mechanism that allows reliable and ordered data transmission between devices, forming the foundation for many network communications on the internet.
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