We all use WINSCP to transfer files securely between Windows and Linux operating systems.
Today I was trying to copy the vCenter log bundle from VCSA to my computer. When I tried to login to the VCSA through WINSCP, I was getting below error message -

A quick google search led me to this VMware KB. As described in it, this issue occurs when the default shell used for the root account has changed from bash to appliancesh.
To Workaround, you would need to change the default shell from /bin/appliancesh to /bin/bash using the below command
chsh -s /bin/bash root

After changing the shell, I was able to login to the VCSA using WINSCP and copy the required log bundle to my computer.
To return to the Appliance Shell, run below command:
chsh -s /bin/appliancesh root
That’s it. I hope this article will help you to resolve this issue.
Thanks for reading!
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